Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beck's FIrst Talk

Last week, Beck was assigned to speak the next week in primary. He gave a talk to that would've been impressive for some youth speakers thanks to his Dad, the English major.

Beck was so excited to be sitting up front. He waved to us all as we came to listen to his talk. He pressed his mouth right up against the microphone the entire time making the sound quality poor, but he repeated the words well and didn't look nervous.

The icing on top of the cake however was when he finished the talk to go back to his seat. He tripped and fell. Crumbled like a cracker. It was all I could do to not laugh out loud. I always fear that something like that would happen to me while in front of people. He was fine, just being goofy and not watching where he was walking and he didn't seem to mind he fell in front of everyone either.

It breaks my heart a bit to realize how big he is getting.

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