Monday, June 20, 2011

Tate & Trey Turn Two!!

I can't believe how big my boys are!! As of June 6 they are officially two. We had a little party for them at home. Their big party is this Saturday which I think I'm more excited for than the kids are.

Two years ago these were my boys. So so tiny!

The weather was not awesome on their day, sadly. We planned on spending most of the day at the park, but it didn't work out that way.

It was cold and the wind was horrible. So we played for as long as we could handle it. And by we, I mean me and Randy. My allergies were going crazy with all the wind, sadly we had to take the twins kicking and screaming from the park. Tate thinks he can do everything at the park. Those two bars he's sliding down scares me to death!!

The boys got to choose what they ate for dinner
Beck influenced their choice, but they were very happy that they got their own Happy Meal.

They are getting awesome cakes fort their party, so I just bought a couple slices of cake for their birthday. Tate is on the right and the reason his candle isn't burning anymore is because he put it out with his fingers. Crazy kid.

Then came time for presents...

Their favorite present was their PJ's. I will never again buy pajamas that aren't character related. Putting them to bed at night has been a breeze! Tate got Spongebob and Trey got Buzz.
This was the best picture we got with them in the PJ's. Trey is crying because he wanted to hold his Buzz Lightyear swimsuit. He slept with it that night. Despite the crying in the picture, they had a great day!

Tate loves:
Star Wars
Toy Story
Mac & Cheese
Sword Fighting
The Park

Trey loves:
Star Wars
Mac & Cheese
The Park
& more Buzz

When the twins were released from the hospital, on July 9, 2009 they were five weeks old. They had their first doctor appointment two days later their measurements were:
Weight: 6.81lbs in the 1st percentile                        
Length: 19.17" in the 0.16 percentile                      
Head Circum: 13.77" in the 3rd percentile             

Weight: 6.95lbs in the 1st percentile
Length: 19.29" in the 0.25 percentile
Head Circum: 13.85" in the 3rd percentile

At their 2 year appointment they are now:
Weight: 30.58lbs in the 80th percentile                    
Length: 34.5" in the 53rd percentile                         
Head Circum: 19.6" in the 79th percentile               

Weight: 30.18lbs in the 76th percentile
Length: 35" in the 68th percentile
Head Circum: 19.5" in the 73rd percentile                                                   

They no longer show signs of delay from their prematurity! They are healthy happy boys!! They have come along way in the last two years and we couldn't be happier with how well they are doing!

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